UAC Insulation Contractors

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Fiberglass and Cellulose Insulation Installers 91399

We have been installing insulation in the 91399 area for over 15 years now. We like to concentrate on checking every aspect of a person’s home or business to see where they can save money. In terms of how we look at saving you money insulation is one of the major ones. More and more homes are becoming energy efficient in 91399 and we get them on the right path by fully inspecting a home and making sure you are hitting the right energy code efficiency levels and maximizing your potential in terms of energy saving every month.

Air leaks through a home lower a home’s energy efficacy levels massively so if you are dispersing lots of heat through your walls it’s a big problem. By having us come in and walk through the property with you we will show you how we can make a real difference. We will look at what will best suit your home insulation needs, from loose fill insulation or batt insulation. If you are just looking to add some extra insulation to your attic this can be achieved no problem but if its fiberglass you need to make sure the batt insulation has no paper backing on the back of it. We suggest calling us to do this for you so it gets done properly. There is no point in buying the insulation and installing it yourself only for it to be done wrong and inefficiently. If you are laying fiberglass then it should be horizontal to the joists. Any vents need to be guarded and left open and this can be done with wire mesh guards being made to stop potential fire hazards and so forth.

We like to make sure all of our contractors are wearing the correct safety equipment and they are using the correct tools. The safety equipment we like to employ is as follows: hard hats to protect from beams in crawl spaces and attics; if the attic is not boarded up on the floor we use special attic boards to stop us falling through your ceiling. Good lighting is needed so we will bring in special lighting to illuminate any dark spaces while we are working. Safety glasses and gloves plus dust masks will be used to help our team get the job done without inhaling the fiberglass insulation dust or any other nasty dust floating around. We also offer you full attic cleaning services if you are having the insulation changed out. The tools we employ are cutting materials or an insulation blower depending on what you choose to get the job done.

So when you are ready for a quote on how much it will be to change out your home insulation then we will be more than happy to oblige. Simply give us a call and we will make sure we come around to your home and give you the full energy efficiency makeover.

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Useful Information

As a company that deals with everyday home insulation information we have some great tips

When changing your insulation you will need to know how much insulation will be needed if you are doing it yourself. The U.S Department of Energy (DOE) and the Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is what you need to go by for any information regarding this. You can find the R-value for each area of the home by going online to their website and checking what thickness you need in your region. If you have our company come out to inspect your home and provide you with a quote, we will do all of this for you.


We bought our home in June and had a full house survey done on the property. One of the things that came up was that the attic insulation was insufficient so we had to put it on our to do list. In September we used UAC insulation Contractors to insulate our attic and they did a nice job. I was considering doing it myself but I took a look at the mess up there and thought better of it. The team came around and stripped out all of the old insulation and did a full attic clean, they made sure it was all bagged up and took it away for disposal. They installed a fiberglass insulation as that is what I wanted and I now I have a clean insulated attic which will be perfect for the winter. Thank you guys for doing a job I did not really want to do.

Paul Gleason – Woodland Hills

As my home was always hot or cold I needed to address the matter as it was costing me a small fortune in energy bills. I called UAC Insulation Contractors to do some further inspection and see if they could figure out why. Using some fancy equipment they managed to pinpoint the areas in my home where I was having heat and cold air escape. That’s why my home was always like an oven in the summer even with the AC on and an ice box in winter with the heat sill blasting. They got to work in adding extra insulation all over my home including crawl spaces under the home and in the walls. Now it’s like night and day, the heat stays in the home as does the AC so I am not spending a small fortune to feel comfortable. It’s well worth having your home inspected as you will be surprised as to how inefficient your home was running before these guys step in to change all of that.

Eric Solomon - Calabasas

I was after a good alternative to fiberglass insulation and I heard Cellulose insulation was the way to go. I had UAC Insulation Contractors come out and give me a price quote and they did a fantastic job of walking me through the benefits of Cellulose and verifying why I wanted it installed in the first place. I used the company to carry out the work and they used a loose fill insulation to pump in to the wall. They did a fantastic job and I was very happy with the end result of how the insulation installation which is a mouthful to say, went.

Cindy Harper – Malibu

My basement was always miserable to go down to as it was freezing in the winter and having the washer and dryer located down there meant it was never a pleasure to venture to. I had UAC Insulation Contractors come around and look at installing some insulation to warm it up and then I wanted it sealed in with drywall to make it a proper room. The insulation team came around and suggested a good insulation and showed me the product. They told me it would instantly give me more warm and save me money on heating as less heat would escape. After having the work done 5 months ago I can safely say they were right. The room and home feels warmer in general and it’s now a place I don’t mind going down to when doing the washing.

Tracy Stevenson – Hollywood